Prior to opening his own practice, for five years, Dr. Pescatore was the Associate Medical Director of The Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine working directly with Dr. Robert C. Atkins. What we have learned over the decades from Dr. Atkins and Dr. Pescatore is that fats in the diet are not the cause of obesity. We have learned about the importance of the types of fats in the diet and that some fats are better than others. We learned that refined carbs and too many carbs is a major factor in the obesity epidemic.
Dr. Pescatore's newest book The A-LIST Diet (2017) is designed to go beyond Atkins and Paleo diets. Dr. Pescatore improves on these popular diets by boosting protein, protein rotation, reducing inflammation and alkalizing the body. Dr. Pescatore takes a fresh look at everyday choices and helps you customize his strategies for your unique needs.