In this interview I will be speaking with Josée Fortin, who is a naturopath from Canada. We will explore one of A Vogels products Molkosan. Molkosan is a prebiotic made from a concentrated whey rich in L+ Lactic Acid. Molkosan is one of Alfred Vogel’s original remedies. Made from whey obtained from organic milk, Molkosan is rich in a substance known as L+ lactic acid which is now known to support the growth of good gut bacteria. In this way, it acts as a prebiotic. It does this by creating the proper and desirable colon pH. Proper pH = happy bacteria which will flourish better. This is different from prebiotic fibers which serve as food for the bacteria. This is more about the environment of the gut. It is also important to note that bad bacteria do not like L+ lactic acid.